Personal consultations – whether you are starting out as a writer, or more experienced, you may need another writer or ‘Ideal’ reader with whom to discuss your work. We offer a mentoring service, which consists of a face-to-face or zoom consultation with Patti Miller. Mentoring can be useful at any stage – early on to discuss ideas, mid-way through when you may need support and guidance, or after a first draft to discuss possibilities. It can include a short (up to 1,000 words) critical reading as part of a 1 hour consultation. Fee: $105 per hour.
Chapter- by-chapter input – you can also ask feedback on your chapters as you write them, if that is what you think will be most useful. Some people work better with deadlines and accountability! With an upfront payment for ten chapters, you can send your chapters as you write them to an agreed timetable. The fee covers all on-page notes and individual guidance for ten units of writing of up to 3,000 words each. If there is significantly more words in the chapter it may be considered as one and a half chapters (4,500 words) or two chapters (6,000 words) and so on. Fee: $730.
Please contact pmiller@lifestories.com.au for methods of payment.